Arnold (2023)
Amazing person, amazing documentary
7 June 2023
Arnold Schwarzenegger is simply one of the most incredible human beings on this planet and this documentary shows why in a very beautiful and elegant way.

That a guy, born in the middle of Austrian nowhere, can achieve just one of the careers of Arnold is a miracle in itself. That he championed THREE careers and made everything that he envisioned as a kid a reality is virtually impossible.

Watching this you will find yourself laughing and shaking your head in disbelief at the sheer absurdity of how is somehow able to make all his way too and completely unrealistic dreams come true. And then some.

And that he seems to have managed to stay a *normal guy* through all this, is even more amazing.

I really wouldn't be surprised if he soon says *by the way, I will grow me some wings and fly around the world* and then just do it. 😂 would fit right into his biography.

Thanks for this gem of a documentary.
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