7 June 2023
Stale story, stale dialogue, mediocre acting, drab costumes, bad hair and make-up. Beautiful scenery. I picked out the murderer as soon as they were introduced.

It's hard to make Lacey Chabert look bad, but this movie managed to do that. The storyline was poor, the dialogue tedious, and the costumes and hairstyles aged her. I usually love her movies but this one was a huge disappointment. So predictable. Sadly lacking in connection among the characters, especially the lead characters. No spark, no magic. No need for another in this series. The Crossword Mysteries were so much better. Will Kemp was entertaining as a dancer and teacher, but the storyline did him no favors. Second banana character instead of a lead. His performance in Jolly Good Christmas was delightful and much more memorable. He deserves better, we all do.
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