After the Storm (2019 TV Movie)
Promises more than it delivers
5 June 2023
Like others, what gripped me into watching 'After the Storm' was the cover, which was lovely and indicated a heartfelt and heart-warming film. And also the concept, Lauren's circumstances on paper are really devastating and sounded very relatable which always makes a big difference when watching anything for me. UPTV's output was very up and down, and still is, but they have done good films in the past and continue to do so. Was hoping this would be one of them, as it had potential to be.

'After the Storm', watched with admittedly no prior knowledge of the source material so cannot compare, sadly was not one of the good ones. UPTV have done worse and there are worse films out there overall, but when it comes to wastes of good potential 'After the Storm' is definitely in that group for me and quite high up. Didn't think it was unwatchable and it did have a few good things, but it peters out after a good start and promises a lot more than it delivers (which isn't sadly).

Beginning with the good things, 'After the Storm' starts off well. Very charming and moving, and it didn't feel forced and it was not hard to feel for Lauren in a devastating situation. Bo Yokely does a nice job in his role, with a dashing charm and subtle charisma.

It is a nice looking film, with beautiful scenery. Some of the soundtrack is pleasant.

Madeline Leon for me was less good, she started off quite well but when Lauren became less likeable and became more self-absorbed instead of easier to relate to Leon became less relaxed and almost every emotion felt too try hard like while also managing to be bland. Her chemistry with Yokely isn't there, too low key and distant. The supporting cast is flat in sketchy roles. The characters are never fleshed out enough and the direction is workmalike at best and tends to be plodding.

On the whole, 'After the Storm' looks good but there is a little too much emphasis on long shots and some of it veer on self-indulgence. Despite moments, the music tends to be too drab and could have been used less. The script is often awkward and the cheesiness and schmaltz becomes too much. Meaning that the film becomes too maudlin and sugary sweet rather than uplifting. The story is very predictable and sluggishly paced, also feeling thin structurally. The ending is too rushed and pat, with a 180 decision that goes from one to the other in practically no time.

Summarising, good potential not lived up to. 4/10.
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