Creepshow 3 (2006 Video)
Surprised by the hate, thought it was the best installment in the series
3 June 2023
For the record, I am 47, and am a lifetime fan of both the franchise and the genre. This movie has some problems, but I thought that a lot of it was great.


  • There is a *lot* of unexamined misogyny in the film that made it difficult for to watch for me, but honestly, it's not that different from most films at the time (or even today).

  • The brief animated intro was both weak and bad and set up low expectations for the rest of the film.

  • The first story (out of five) is by far the weakest and also set me up to expect that the rest of the movie would be as bad.

  • The other four stories turned out to be so unexpectedly strong that even though I was only planning to watch half the movie one night and the second the next, I was sucked in and wound up watching all the way through.

  • I consider it a rare treat when a movie has no well known actors but everyone winds up totally nailing their roles (not counting the first one which was so poorly written it was hard to assess the acting). In particular, the main character in the radio story (the second story) and the main character playing the doctor doing community service (the last story) were total standouts.

  • The special effects on the gore were all totally solid and faithful to the spirit of the originals and the genre.
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