Review of Malum

Malum (2023)
Absolute Disaster
3 June 2023
Malum is an absolute disaster of a horror movie that fails to deliver any genuine scares or engaging storyline. From start to finish, it's a complete letdown. The director's attempt to remake their own film, Last Shift, only showcases their lack of creativity and imagination.

The plot is as predictable as they come, following the tired formula of a rookie police officer uncovering a mysterious cult. There are no surprises, no original twists, just a rehashed narrative that fails to offer anything new to the genre. It feels like a cheap cash grab, relying on jump scares and excessive violence to compensate for its lack of substance.

The characters in Malum are nothing more than mere cardboard cutouts. They lack depth, development, and any semblance of relatability. It's impossible to invest in their fates when they are so poorly written and underdeveloped. Even the talented cast couldn't salvage this sinking ship.

Furthermore, the film's attempts at creating a chilling atmosphere fall flat. The scares are predictable and cliché, relying on tired horror tropes that we've seen a thousand times before. It's a shame that the movie relies more on cheap thrills than genuine psychological horror.

In terms of production value, Malum does little to impress. The visuals are lackluster, and the special effects feel amateurish. It's clear that the budget was allocated more towards marketing than actual filmmaking. The end result is a visually unimpressive and forgettable experience.

Overall, Malum is a prime example of a wasted opportunity. It fails to deliver on its promises of terror and suspense, instead serving up a bland and uninspired horror flick. Save your time and money and explore other genuinely terrifying movies that offer something fresh and innovative.
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