main st after dark
2 June 2023
One of the pleasures of watching a good B movie is seeing film makers successfully tackle themes and stories that often elude prestige films made on three times the budget and featuring famous directors and big stars.

Unfortunately, this is not a good B movie.

It is directed, photographed and written with such sputtering amateurishness by folks named. Cahn, Higgins, Kamb and Rose that it resembles those unintentionally hilarious anti smoking and anti juvenile delinquency shorts that were shown in your high school guidance class if you were a teenager in the 1950s or early 60s. The only things that save it from utter perdition are that it's mercifully short (57 minutes) and it boasts some truly gifted actors like Hume Cronyn, Dan Duryea, Edward Arnold, Audrey Totter and Selena Royale. They prove their thespian greatness by managing to keep their heads just above the bilge water that is the film's dialogue. C minus.
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