The Orville: Into the Fold (2017)
Season 1, Episode 8
2 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I love this show, but I couldn't stand this episode. The other episodes of The Orville are fine. The Orville is supposed to be a comedy show. The protector (drogan) saves Dr. Finn when she crashlanded on a disease-filled moon. Drogan provided her with drinkable water, food, and shelter. These resources are very scarce. Dr. Finn thanks her protector for killing him with his gun. Later in the episode, Dr. Finn teaches her kids tells her kids that all life is valuable and not to kill anybody, which is hypocrisy when she just unjustifiably kills her helper. I also feel that the children of Dr. Finn were unlikeable. You cannot connect with the characters and feel sorry for them that their mother is missing. The kids were bratty and annoying.
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