A new Empire Strikes Back
2 June 2023
This film is a visual concert. The animation and character design neatly put me to tears. The opening of the film took an approach that shocked me, but it was fantastic to watch. Many of the jokes were in the trailers, but plenty caught me off guard in the cinema. Miguel even had a couple of funny moments. The presence of existing spider characters, such as snippets of the other films, did feel somewhat strange I have to admit. However, it is made up for in how incredible this film was. It was artistic, mature, adult, and profound. It leaves the viewer on a cliffhanger that shocked me. I thought I was an hour into the film, but it was the end. I implore everyone wondering if they should see this film to do so. Easily the best film I have seen in a long time and the best film to see in theaters. A true masterpiece.
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