Blood & Gold (2023)
A poor Tarantino.
1 June 2023
Blood & Gold 2023, Netflix original. War film film set and filmed in Germany. The Nazi's are losing the war and are feathering their nest's as a means to flee the collapsing Third Reich. Into the mix throw in some missing Jewish gold, a deserting Nazi private and a sadistic SS officer and you get a poor man's Quentin Tarantino. Originality doesn't come into it, take note the SS officer could be Hans Lando ( from Inglorious Bastards) but for his phantom of the opera theatrical mask to cover his unexplained facial injuries. The good Germans eventually win, you see even Germans hate those Nazi's. Soundtrack is very much a poor man's Tarantino with its incongruous mix of cheesy German easy listening and surf music, the highlight of the whole film is Marlene Dietrich singing Pete Seeger's anti war "Where Have All The Flowers Gone" over the end credits. I guess after watching this and SISU which both are unintentional homages to Tarantino, SISU works in its roller coaster ride of a movie, Blood and Gold fails to deliver and settles for a very pale imitation 6/10.
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