Review of Voyeur

Voyeur (II) (2017)
31 May 2023
Wasn't sure how I really felt about it until a while after it was over. My initial thought was that of what it portrayed.... A journalist that was approached by a self-absorbed individual that felt he was so perfect in what he did he would never be remembered. Eventually it led to me thinking Talese was manipulating a potentially mental deficit individual for his personal benefit. My view changed with what the "documentary" wanted it to and that being Foos was a master con and was looking at an opportunity to not only enrich himself in what he had done, but to manipulate everyone for financial gain. After the end I think it became clear it was a combination of all. Foos is manipulative, Talese saw a last bang going into the final chapters of his life (since he repeatedly referenced the death of both of them), and both conspired to fool the peons.

My final conclusion is the latter. It was just good enough with Talese having this information for what is portrayed as being decades, getting into his elder years, and a final remembrance of his journalism. Add Foos with most of the former plus a narcissistic character and you have the perfect combination of "going down in history".

I wish both would go down in history though, in the fact they are two perverts that are so upset they got called out by another journalist on something that is public record that they went to Netflix as a scheme to put this "documentary" over on us as them being of anything legitimate.

But ultimately I wish they would go down in history in the court records as two perverts and nothing more.
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