Find Me in Paris (2018–2020)
It's underrated, but I wouldn't watch it again.
30 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If you not only like action, but also like good writing, this is a good show for you! Even though there are many things where I thought "why that again" or "why did they do that" I think its an solid written show with an complex and simple plot. To be honest I liked the show more at the beginning and I didnt like the switch between Max and Nico. I didn't really understand it. And the plot was a bit shaky at times. From getting a timepiece from a boyfriend to get to the year 2018 inadvertently to being the choosen one and fighting against the bereau? Why just not getting back to 1905 and live your normal live with Henri again? But the 1st season was a proper season to be fair. It was simple and didn't really have much mistakes. Overall the writers did an solid job. 7/10.
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