Vinland Saga (2019–2023)
Season 1 = GREAT. Season 2 = A preachy mess.
30 May 2023
You can safely stop watching after season 1 concludes. Though it ends on a bit of a cliff-hanger, there's enough closure for you to imagine countless ways the gaps could be filled in. It is tense, brutal, engaging, and nearly perfectly paced. Anti-violence without being overt about it. A well-balanced (fictious) look at the turn of the millennium (the first one).

But the second season? Oh God, the second season...where to begin. For brevity's sake:
  • The pacing stinks. It is a slog fest.

  • Too much introspective "poor-me" dialogue
  • The new characters are just not that interesting
  • The anti-war slant becomes so overt it smacks you in the face more often than heads gets chopped off
  • The "all females are helpless" slant simply to shine a spotlight the size of a landing beacon on toxic masculinity is WAY overdone and becomes a chore to watch. (When in fact, Danish women had quite a few rights and privileges during this era.)

I've already said too much. But, don't believe me? Watch Season 1. I bet you can't take your eyes off the screen. Then watch season 2. I bet the batteries on your remote go dead from fast forwarding so much.
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