The Four Just Men: Money to Burn (1960)
Season 1, Episode 21
It's yet another South American country in trouble.
30 May 2023
Sir Walter Barling is tricked into printing 5 million pesos for The Gueron Government, only Enrique Vidal, who requested the notes is part of a plan to bring down the current Government.

I hate to say it, this was one of the weaker episodes, the story didn't fully make sense, it just wasn't very logical, the way Manfred sorted it, I'd say the phrase, chancing his arm was appropriate. Something of a waste of Charles Gray and Andrew Keir.

It does descend into a bit of farce at the end, with Manfred running from car to car, swapping out various items for cash, it did call into question the observancy of General de Santos.

I think it's perhaps fair to point out that Frank Thornton was at this time regarded as something of a jobbing actor, popping up as various Policemen and auctioneers, this is one of the more meaty parts that he had, prolific though.

If looked great, wonderful costumes, the story was just too flat.

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