A fitting end to an amazing trilogy
28 May 2023
This is probably one of the most refreshing and exciting Marvel movies in a while especially how Phase 4 of the Marvel universe is going as of right now.

Plot/Story: 8.4

The story was structured very nicely with generally a smooth pacing though there were some minor bumps especially near the end. The comedy was great with the help of the movie's great writing/dialogue and in general it had similar vibes to its previous 2 predecessors. Also the acting was amazing as well.

Characters: 8.5

The character exposition and development was fantastic and watching the relationships between the different characters grow felt so natural and fantastic.

Sound: 9.8

As usual just like in its previous 2 predecessors, the song selections and the beats were out of this world.

Visuals: 9.8

Marvel really stepped up big in this department. The set designs, how the aliens looked, and the action scenes were all so exhilarating.

Overall quite an enjoyable movie.

Memorable: Yes Rewatchable: Quite likely..
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