A "B" movie that is good, not great, but good.
28 May 2023
If u like certain B movies & u see others did not like the B movie u liked, this movie is just like that. The story has potential, the actors could've been better & if this movie had a higher budget, it would've been a really good movie. & below is how I explain my rating system.. Now I say this alot in my imdB movie ratings. My rating system is different than most. For example, I've never rated any movie or show a 9/10 or 10/10 cause come on nothings perfect, & that includes movies & TV shows. If I rate something 1-3/10 that means it was horribly stupid & I'll never watch it again. Most of my ratings are 4/10, including this movie. Which means I enjoyed & will watch it again someday. Ratings of 5-6/10 means I liked it a great deal, & then ratings of 7-8/10 means I loved the movie or show alot. For example movies like Titanic, Gone with the Wind, Armageddon & Ever After: A Cinderella Story, I believe I rated them 7-8/10. Movies or shows I gave 1/10 are Top Gun, Matrixs, Star Wars, Terminators, etc... This film is certainly better than like Avatar or Star Wars.. So if u agree w/ everything I just wrote go ahead & watch this movie!
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