Truth hurts
27 May 2023
No pun intended - one of the things I drew out of the whole conspiracy thing that was going on: it is the easy way out to have something or someone to blame on. No matter if there actually are facts to support that - if you feel it, you just take this on and roll with it. I found out that some of my friends, relatives and acquaintances were easy targets of disinformation ... something the movie is able to lay bare.

Even from the start, the movie sets the tone, by reprising the first movie ... not well and then just summarizing it with making fun of humans (the Kangaroo has that joke of course). And while that may seem trivial, it is foreshadowing of things to come.

Reality has shown it is stranger than fiction. And if you are mad at the movie for not getting things straight (male kangaroo with the physics of a female, because of the pouch) or think it is too simple in its depiction of certain characters: try to see this for what it is ... a comedy. Yes it tries to educate in a sense to be more sensible at times, but overall it aims to entertain more than it does to educate. Conspiracy theorists are easy targets - that does not make them less people or human of course.

The movie also is not a blueprint on how to deal with them. There are some solutions ... some suggestions on things you could try out. But the movie shows that it might backfire too ... in a bigger way than you may think. One thing is for sure, arguing with someone online is not going to solve much ... talking to someone you know and trying to talk to them on a personal level on the other hand ... might.
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