Truly disturbing story of government overreach
27 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
For those who question the accuracy of this story, I discovered it by watching a BBC investigation called Norway's Silent Scandal. It interviewed Norwegian mothers who had lost custody of their children. The mothers reported being scrutinized for tiny things, even having a visible cobweb in their home. One mom lost 2 of 8 kids, but was allowed to keep 6. How can a mom be incompetent to manage 8 kids, but deemed competent for 6? The court decisions made no sense in many cases. It was truly disturbing to learn about this overreach in a 'civilized' European country. In the documentary comments I saw references to this movie and watched it. My heart went out to this mom and her custody battle. It correlated closely to the BBC investigation documentary. I hope this is a reality check for Norway and helps change the foster system for kids in the future.
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