A leap from what the Filipinos are being served with.
26 May 2023
While this show is still a little far from what Hollywood movies can offer, this is definitely a 10/10 as a Filipino Show. Darna TV Series is nothing compared to this even the fact that it was highly anticipated. This is 10 times better than what the Filipinos are used seeing production wise. This deserves a huge support and I hope this will just be the beginning of something great for the Philippine Entertainment Industry.

I can just imagine how better this could have been if this was a movie instead. As I watch the episodes, I notice how dependent to post production this show is. The witty thing I notice is that they focus on perfecting the VFX for the essential scenes and that's a great decision considering the budget.

I just really hope this would be the start of bigger things for Filipinos. The Philippine Entertainment Industry should take risks like this because if they don't who will? And if not now, when?
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