Monkie Kid (2020– )
My favorite show ever
26 May 2023
If you find yourself put off by the show's style from first glance, put those judgements away because OH MY GOSH IS THIS SHOW AMAZING!!! This show has the best action sequences out of any Lego show that even modern Ninjago can't compare. All the characters are likeable in their own right, and the writing is eight chef's kisses and a half. The tie-in with actual Chinese mythology works so well, as there's a whole book of lore to fall back on to bring in ideas for the show, and the show neither underexplains (to the point where the audience is confused on what is happening) or overexplains (to the point where the audience is belittled) its lore. Overall, I can highly recommend this show to anyone who has a true appreciation of 2D animation, especially to anime fans.
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