The Flash: A New World, Part 4: Finale (2023)
Season 9, Episode 13
26 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Nothing can describe just how disappointed i am, Eric Wallace was the real villain here, any flash fan could come up with a ten times better script. I cant comprehend how they could fumble the final episode that had the most potential so hard. All that build up for the villains to die to side characters, Zoom died within 5 seconds of screen time, Savitar also dead in just 5 seconds. What was the point for all that build up for all of the villains and Cecile should not be able to keep up with the 'god of speed'. The fighting scene lasted like 10 minutes and half the screen time was just Nora being born. I cant fathom how they could disrespect Zoom and Thawne like that no way the just die to the most mid characters in the most mid way. Also cgi was absolutely horrdienous, how can cgi of this show get worse as it goes and also WHY is the rf suit so goofy, why not use the season 1 suit.

I also have so many questions such as -How is Nora able to phase her stomach????

-How does Cecile fly?

-How could Cecile anticapt a speedsters moves.

-How does Elgera beat THAWNE?
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