Review of Victim/Suspect

Yet another example of police Incompetence
26 May 2023
This is a heavily intense true account whereby a young reporter explains how the police can sometimes misuse their powers when investigating sex cases.

A person makes an allegation of rape or sexual assault and instead of properly and fairly researching the case some police will incorrectly turn the tables and accuse the victim of making a false report and have that person prosecuted.

Quite shocking how frequently this can happen.

Also, what is disturbing is how the police are allowed to get away with lying to victims and persuading vulnerable people to admit they are the ones at fault when they are innocent.

But then again I ask myself why are police allowed to pretend to be underage children and lie to adults to entice them into sting operations?

Although this documentary could be made more exciting, the subject matter is well handled and worthy of a high rating. Six and a half rounded up:

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