The Flash: A New World, Part 4: Finale (2023)
Season 9, Episode 13
Fast paced & extremely rushed finale (pun intended, who cares?)
26 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So, the Flash is over, what can i say? I've been watching this show since 2015 when S2 was airing, and i instantly fell in love with it. This show used to have so much heart and so well planned about what they wanted to show us. The characters were likable and the story was entertaining. 8 years later we stand in front of the series finale, our hero it's facing cobalt blue, the toughest guy ever, and he's so powerful that he can bring the past negative force avatars (reverse flash, zoom, savitar, godspeed) just to defeat once and for all the scarlet speedster.

This attempt to bring back the old villains was so badly done, like there's non a single explanation of how they are back, what are the rules about it, and just to be worse, they were so easily defeated by team flash, the NON SPEEDSTERS TEAM FLASH. Damn, Cecile extended her arms and somehow defeated godspeed? Nora just phaced her belly not her entire body while savitar stabbed her? And plus, Nora barely stabbed him back and kinda killed him? Zoom was taken down by Khione with some uno reverse card? And bringing them back for what? Just for a cheap fan service that lasted less than five minute? Man that truly pissed me off, that was the worst battle of any series finale i could watch. After that i kinda liked the episode, i think it made sense that good and evil must coexist so there's no more violence, and Grant Gustin probably made his best performance of the show, that guy gave his best even knowing that the show wasn't what it was once. But again, the last villain was introduced on the last 4 episodes of the show, leaving 0 development for him and the plot of the season, and making us hold on what Eddie was in season 1, yup, that same season that ended 8 years ago.

I have to be fair tho, the last 15 minutes were good, that whole party with everyone gathered around, Joe proposing to Cecile, Barry making that monologue from the pilot but talking to Nora, and running on the same lane from the pilot was very touching and heartwarming, i almost cried.

But that's it, this finale was a 4/10 (4 just for the last 15 minutes) This season was 2/10 (just two good episodes) And this whole show was a 4.5/10, just two unbelievable season, then two ok seasons, then downhill till the end.

I don't think I'll miss this, but somehow i think I'll do, the flash is my favorite DC character, and I'll kinda miss this show, or at least I'll miss hating it because of how bad it turned to be something that was soooo good.
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