Somebody Somewhere (2022– )
Very real, very uncomfortable
25 May 2023
Somebody Somewhere - a journey of messy grief which quickly evolves into a journey of finding oneself through a storm of toxic family and chaotic mental health issues. It's always better to go through these things with a patient, compassionate friend who believes in you. That's what this story is about. I find myself frequently having to remind myself Sam is going through all of these things at once, because a lot of her story is messy, self-centered, unfiltered and awkward. Sam commands the need for compassion and patience from the viewer. We feel sorry for Joel, but we're also grateful for Joel, as he plays the friend we're all seeking who will weather the storm alongside us in times of personal crisis. I love this show in all of its messy realness - it's a story that is best told by the Duplass brothers, as they represent a small group of filmmakers & show runners who tell beautiful stories about the unpretty, uncomfortable, often hidden parts of our lives. Enjoy, but also buckle up for the ride that is Somebody Somewhere.
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