The Flash: A New World, Part 4: Finale (2023)
Season 9, Episode 13
Build up to NOTHING.
25 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Good Riddance, Flash. Our last episode of the show. A goodbye to the series. 9 years taking a bow. However you want to look at what this episode was supposed to be, it will never be what it should have been.

Where to begin? Let's start with the villains.

An evil legion of speedsters brought together by the negative speed force to take down Barry Allen for good. That on paper sounds terrifying. Zoom alone is a maniac and pair him with Reverse Flash who has lived through so much hell, you have an unstoppable duo. Add the weaker two speedster thugs (Savitar and Godspeed) and you've got yourself years of pain, anguish, and loss for Barry Allen. The mental strain of seeing these monstrous beings together should be crushing AND you add their powers!? Presumably Unstoppable. How were they stopped? Individually by different team flash members in a span of 2 minutes. Barry barely fought anyone, Cecile pointed her fist at Godspeed and he was down, Nora seamlessly walked away from Savitar after vibrating, and Zoom was stopped by Caitlin 3.0 using .... the force I guess to project his lightning back at him. Then the entire team goes and talks about it.

After that? Hmmm it seems Eddie is going to take too much negative speed force and blow up, so how do we save him? Don't worry, just talk to him. Believe. That'll do the trick. GREAT! Well folks, that's exactly what we did. Barry just appears in the negative speed force , talks to Eddie, gets his ass kicked, talks to Eddie again, we get a montage of flashbacks that we've seen 1,000 times already and then Eddie says never mind and destroys the crystal. All done. No fight. No drama. No "edge of your seat" moments. Just a misunderstanding and the problem's now solved.

Now we get watch the remaining scenes of the obligatory "we won now let's drink" team flash party BUT we're graced with the birth of Barry and Iris' baby as well as time breaking events like Nora being there for her own birth. The birth scene is honestly really sweet, but the entire hype/ excitement of it is trampled by the lack of quality in every scene that comes before it. 8 minutes into this episode, I was just looking to see how much longer I had to endear this.

The episode ends with basically creating more speedsters , Barry saying everything is fine now, and us wondering why we bothered watching this show past Crisis on Infinite Earths. It's hard to believe a team of writers said "this is it. Our finale to end the show. We nailed it". I honestly wish I could see the full script for this episode and learn if A. Anything was cut B. If the fight scenes were supposed to be cooler or C. If it just said "we'll figure it out"

The acting in this episode was some of the worst this season. When you're evil, you gradually get louder until you're yelling. When you're good, you look worried and then happy. Allegra crying over the much obvious still alive Chester was somehow the best acting we were going to get. Joe West couldn't even save it with his Grandpa Joe smile and charm. I did enjoy him singing one last time, though.

This entire episode felt like a mid season finale or an ending to a really bad season, but nowhere close to a curtain call. Side note: can we talk about how Mark didn't fight in this episode at all. Suited up and stood next to Khione while she did all the work. Literally served no purpose.

To Flash Fans who stand by this show to the very end: I'm sorry you don't see how cheated you were. You deserved so much more than this pile of garbage that was handed to you.

To those of us who got involved again hoping that the ending would have some solid closure: We got tricked. Shame on us for coming back.

To Mr. Wallace and the rest of the people responsible for this: I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed.

What a let down and waste of time. I'm glad it's over.

Thank you Flash season 1 and 2. Thank you Crisis. Thank you Grant. Sucks it ended this way. The End.
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