The Flash: A New World, Part 4: Finale (2023)
Season 9, Episode 13
Waste of a finale
25 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
That was a waste of my time they brought back some of the best villains and wrote them terribly zoom would of thrown down and tore up some people but he was written weakly thawne wouldn't have taken that much damage in any of the earlier seasons Savitar should've killed Nora and the fact that Barry doesn't die changes Nora's whole personality and excistence this was a waste of space episode that could've been amazing and the whole I'm not gonna fight you anymore from Barry to Eddie was stupid because with as much rage as Eddie had he would've killed Barry just like thawne would've killed Barry in season one if Eddie didn't shoot himself also what was the deal with them living in coexcistense like that was so dumb because Eddie should've killed Barry because of the headline in the news article in seasons 1-3 I guess they forgot how to tell a story this show came to a sad ending and they could've written such a better episode it was as if this episode was written by 5th graders.
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