25 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If you like games like Demon's Souls and Dark Souls read no further because you'll probably like this game.

For perspective: When given a choice, I play games on the medium difficulty. I have played and enjoyed many shooter games including Saint's Row series, GTA III, IV and V, Fallout 3 and 4, Red Dead Redemption 2, Ghost Recon 1, Wildlands and Breakpoint, and the Borderlands series.

Possible Spoilers

The reasons to dislike this game are: 1) There is no standing regen.

2) There are no true health kits. My friends and I refer to them as Meth Kits. It boosts your health bar with 'fake' health that degrades slowly over time regardless of whether or not you take damage.

3) There is no character creation. You must select from a pre-rolled roster.

4) There are no skill trees. However, as your operators level up to 10 maximum they gain minor rewards.

5) Under some circumstances the game becomes a mini-horde mode.

6) Even on Moderate the enemies are over-powered. They deal ridiculously massive damage and take multiple non-"weak point" shots to kill. Many of them have the bullet-proof carapace covering most of their bodies.

7) As you progress through the locations more ridiculous/difficult enemies are added including one that is literally unkillable (save for a really weird/unreasonable exploit).

8) Under certain circumstances you can lose XP and even de-level. When your operators go down they don't die, but go MIA. Their XP is 'banked' until they are rescued. If the rescue fails their XP is lost and they can de-level if they are not level 10 (at level 10 your progression is secured).

9) The game is lobby-based - not open world.

10) The game is timed. The incursions consist of three sub-zones (each one more difficult as you progress). Each sub-zone is timed at 15 minutes.

11) The only way your operators regain their true health is when they are not in an incursion. They get a tiny percentage based on the XP earned by the operators in incursions.
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