A Woman Who Knows How to Get Inside Information
25 May 2023
This film essentially begins with an attractive woman by the name of "Brenda Baxter" (Tara Buckman) working as a stockbroker who makes a great deal of money for her investment firm because of information she receives while sleeping with wealthy businessmen. Of particular importance is an older businessman by the name of "Albert Corey" (Louis Elias) who has a number of secrets to share with her and as a result they spend a great deal of time together. Then one day, she meets a much younger man named "Alex" (Charlie Edwards) and sparks are immediately set off between them. What neither of them realize, however, is that both of them are hiding secrets from one another which, once revealed, could change their lives in a way neither of them could imagine. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this film had an interesting plot which benefitted to a certain degree by a couple of surprising twists toward the end. Likewise, I also enjoyed the performance of Tara Buckman who enhanced each and every scene with her beauty and charm. Unfortunately, most of her efforts were wasted due to rather weak direction and overall low-budget production values. That being said, while I don't consider this to be a bad film necessarily, the flaws just mentioned were much too noticeable and I have rated this movie accordingly. Slightly below average.
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