Yellow Bird (2023)
A heartfelt, low-budget character study masquerading as a dramedy
24 May 2023
Perhaps those who have not lived a life that has brought them to a "how did I get here?" moment will not connect with this film, which in part may explain the handful of "1" ratings. We can forgive these stalwart naysayers for their lack of perspective, if not for their silly assertions that the many high ratings of this rather endearing small film are somehow fake.

The ultimate takeaway about Jake, the main character, is that in staying true to the core of who he is -- a kind and humble man whose apparent lack of a spine has gotten him into the fixes he finds himself -- in the end, it is that very kindness and humility which becomes his superpower of sorts. As he comes to realize there is strength in his kindness, he in helps the store owner's son find his own courage to face up to his father's narrow demands, which brings these two characters to a better place.

The acting, while not on a high level of cinematic quality, is earnest and amusing in and of itself, especially in the final payoff at the end of the film.

The film also provides a nice break from the usual overblown and formulaic fare to which we have all become accustomed.
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