Had promise but failed to really pull off key scenes
23 May 2023
This ticks a lot of the boxes that I desire in a good movie. But one thing I couldn't get past was the movie's inability to get the most out of its key scenes. And the main culprit in this failure was the music, which was far too repetitive and insistent. It told me what to feel before I really felt anything, the way canned laughter kills a joke.

I usually like realistic, sparse dialogues, and I could see that this was what the film was aiming for, but besides Shannon I don't think many of the actors quite had the chops to pull it off. The end result was some pretty wooden acting which removed the tension from some pivotal scenes, most notably the final showdown (surrender?).

Also, what kind of basketball coach was that guy?? I'm not sure if that was supposed to be funny or not.
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