Very disappointed
22 May 2023
This game is like being held back a year in school, and redoing all of the things you learned the first time around with *slightly* improved pencils.

After loving Breath of the Wild, I was really looking forward to what they were going to bring to the table. But *this*? Seriously? After 7 years and at least 5 years of development, *this* is the progress that's made?

It's a shameless Breath of the Wild DLC that masquerades as a sequel because of a "unique" mechanic (popularized by better games more than a decade ago) and a slightly expanded world to explore in the sky.

I was expecting a sequel similar to Majora's Mask, where the same assets are used but the story, the world, most of the characters, many of the enemies, are new. That is not what you'll get with this game. Breath of the Wild was impactful because of the novelty of being the first of its kind in the Zelda franchise - Tears of the Kingdom absolutely lacks this freshness.

Don't bother. Just okay Breath of the Wild again.
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