Yellow Bird (2023)
21 May 2023
Yellow Bird is a 2023 American drama film directed by Angus Benfield and starring Brian Doyle-Murray, Kathy Garver, Plastic Martyr, and Angus Benfield. The film follows Jake, a once-successful P. R. specialist who is now struggling to manage a local grocery store known as "The Yellow Bird" while also dealing with his failing marriage and his own sobriety.

The film is a well-intentioned drama, but it is ultimately a disappointment. The plot is slow-moving and predictable, and the characters are not particularly well-developed. The film also suffers from some technical issues, such as poor sound mixing and inconsistent cinematography.

The film's biggest problem is its lack of focus. The film tries to do too much, and as a result, it does nothing particularly well. The film wants to be a drama about addiction, a comedy about small-town life, and a romance, but it never fully commits to any of these genres. As a result, the film feels disjointed and unsatisfying.

The film's only saving grace is its cast. Brian Doyle-Murray gives a solid performance as Jake, and he is supported by a strong cast of actors except for Plastic Martyr. However, even their performances cannot save the film from its many flaws.

Overall, Yellow Bird is a disappointing film that is ultimately not worth your time. If you are looking for a good drama, there are many better options available.
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