Inside No. 9: Love is a Stranger (2023)
Season 8, Episode 4
Fools Rushbrook in.
19 May 2023
I say this not to brag, (Indeed, I'm sure I'm far from the only people that predicted this) but to explain how I felt about this week's episode of "Insider Number 9" - I guessed the twist that was coming in this episode almost immediately and so the whole episode for me hinged not on the actual plot, but on whether or not I was correct.

Lonely since the death of her mother, Vicky (Claire Rushbrook) turns to online speed dating for potential companionship. After a series of disappointing times, where her matches tend to have ulterior motives, she finally matches with Jai (Asim Chaudhry) a similarly shy man and after their date goes well, they agree to meet up. The news though is reporting on a local serial killer, one who is claiming trophies and burying victims in shallow graves. Could Vicky's date be a graver danger than he appears.

Away from that issue with the reveal, it's actually a pretty strong episode. Claire Rushbrook is great, as she always is. Our principles appear as an elderly gentleman looking to replace his mother (Shearsmith) and an oleaginous man who it turns out is married (Pemberton). Matthew Horne is her first date, who also is a let down and Frances Barber plays a woman, 'accidentally' registered as a man who also has another reason for being on. They all have the odd funny lines and you can assess each one to try and determine whether they're possibly the serial killer.

The trouble is that it hinges on its twist and, having got one past me last week with that reveal, I spent all episode hoping that it wasn't what it actually turned out to be and then was disappointed that Shearsmith and Pemberton hadn't anticipated and circumvented that expectation with something better.

It's not a disaster, it's actually reasonably good - but in the pantheon of this series not near the top tier.
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