Decent! 6.5/10
18 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There are many things about this series that were very well done. The set designs, costumes, and casting choices are all honestly on point. From a technical standpoint, everything about this series is great.

On to the writing. It is mostly decent, I appreciate that it attempts to create a story with more depth than the original, and the love story between Charlotte and George definitely achieves that. It also features a secondary love story worth engaging in, Brimsley and Reynolds'.

However, the issues that led to this rating are related partly to poor pacing. There are only 6 episodes and there was a lot of repetitiveness, making me wish multiple times the story would just get to the point faster, and that time was being wasted on rehashing scenes from previous episodes instead of offering characters much needed new moments.

Another problem is the poor continuity with the original series. Agatha's storyline, for example. The second season made a reference to her having known "great love" which clearly isn't portrayed in this show. On the same character, this is the second occasion in which the Bridgerton universe features explicit marital rape, which in both cases did not feel like a necessary addition.

I found season 1 of Bridgerton to be boring, season 2 was decent due to much better chemistry between the lead actors. This one is a step above when it comes to depth and writing.

Bridgerton is cheesy, yes, but it is obviously meant to be. It's not everyone's cup of tea. This show takes itself a bit more seriously when it comes to themes and topics that are addressed, so I am judging it as such.
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