Evolution (2015)
Twin film to "Innocence" (2004) from the same director
16 May 2023
It is nearly impossible not to see "Evolution" (2015) as a twin movie with "Innocence" (2004).

Both films are about children in their early tens, just before their sexual awakening. "Innocence is about a group of young girls, "Evolution" about a group of young boys.

Both films have a creepy and haunting atmosphere. Exploitation of the girls respectively the boys is suggested but never made very explicit.

Both films are situated in an isolated environment. "Innocence" in a boarding school in the middle of a dark forrest, "Ëvolution" in a deserted coastal village with a spooky hospital. The coastal village is frequently lashed by a tempestuous sea.

A dreamlike atmosphere is created by mysterious sources of light. In "Innocence" there are streetlights in the middle of the forest, in "Evolution" there are oil lamps with which the "mothers" held secret meetings by the sea at night.

At the end of both movies the girls respectively a boy travel to a normal city.

I loved both films with their dreamlike but creepy atmosphere that subordinated plot so very clearly to mood.

Unfortunately I missed Lucile Hadzihalilovic third feature "Earwig" (2021), which is really hard to come by in the Netherlands.
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