Review of Welcome

Welcome (2020)
Ending explained!!! Brilliant!!!
15 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What I liked.

It was cute.

The transformation was simple, more credible without any CGI to make it awkward.

The male leads. I really like KMS from Angel's Last Mission and any other than Seo Ji-Hoon wouldn't have been able to compete. SJH in Flower Crew was so handsome and heartbreaking that I wanted him to be happy, even if in another drama, that's how I couldn't help rooting for him, especially with his character's background. Lee Jae Seon is actually a very broken and very sensitive man who is just afraid of love. He so deserved to be with the girl he pushed away in a misunderstanding. At the same time, I didn't want the cat to end like the Little Mermaid. Even before starting to watch, you know things will go wrong once they realize cats age faster than humans. Unless you're in a fairy tale?

What I didn't like.

The lead actress's laugh. So fake.

No sexual tension, no chemistry AT ALL. Not even real romance. Hardly a kiss. This really felt like a fairy tale. It's a pity, because this story could have been way more intense, had they tried to improve the acting.

Also, the cat was...lifeless. Not all cats are just pretty carpets. Some of them are very strong-minded and have a temper.

Ah, this sentence was heart-wrenching. "I'm slowly losing my hands that I need to hug her with"

last but not least. The ending. I edited my comment to scratch everything I said about a WTF?ending. After spending my night thinking about it. Tada! I came up with an explanation that not only satisfies me, but also matches many clues. The ending was BRILLIANT!!!

Ready? Although I don't consider this a spoiler, I would advise watching first, so you can draw your own conclusions.

There. Quotations marks are sentences from the show.

The cat will always be able to turn into a human. It will only take more time if he overdoes it. Not being able to come back is the "white lie", so the girl won't get her hopes too high and spend her life waiting.

It makes sense that the cat comes back as a young man since he is only three years old at the end of the story. That would be about twenty for a human being.

What's so beautiful and moving about this ending is that the girl actually turned into a cat. Remember, she said "let's live like cats" and earlier, Hong-Jo says "that's what cats do, wait for their owner." Also, as the cat explains to the pervert, it's okay, because it's love, and since it's love, it's worth it.

When the cat gives Ji-Eun a necklace and a name "Mignon", he becomes her owner and she fully "embraces it all" the moment she decides that it won't matter if he is "old and wrinkled" when he comes back and that she will "recognize him in a heartbeat". Because she loves him (and because she was well-trained in waiting too) she decides to become the pet who waits for tiny eternities with her owner.

Also, their story is different from that of the old cat because Hong-Jo didn't just run away, leaving Ji-Eun dumbfounded and full of questions. He explained why he had to say goodbye. That's how he allowed her to make her own choice, knowingly.

Is it a sad ending? I mean, he'll grow old and die before her. Or not. Who knows? Let's not forget that humans get sick and die young too. We never know. That's why we should all live like cats. Like everyday is today. Thanks for the lesson.
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