Arctic Void (2022)
"This is gonna be our best episode yet"
15 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Well I liked the cinematography and the locations, particularly the deserted mining camp, but otherwise the film just left me bored. The plot about the mysterious sonic weapon had potential but limped along tediously until the very weak ending. When watching a film one likes to know what happens to characters in the end but the baffling way this concludes is just annoying. The main three characters, Ray and Alan and Sean, are onscreen most of the time and frankly are not memorable at all. The deaths of two of them make no impact. The actors playing those roles are bland. The constant music score, mainly whining, mars the film. In that bleak Arctic setting silence would have been golden. I struggled to get to the end and for my valiant effort was truly disappointed.

The only character I liked was Jim played by Rune Temte. He at least was entertaining.
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