The Flash: A New World, Part 2: The Blues (2023)
Season 9, Episode 11
The cobalt thing seems like an excuse to tie all loose ends
15 May 2023
The first part of this final stretch seemed promising, with Barry finishing what he started in season 1 by stopping himself from saving his mom, but then this episode happened. Now I think the writers are using this cobalt vessel to tie important loose ends in the arrowverse. Barry randomly appears in timelines to do something and vanishes when the deed is done. One guess I would have for the next episode is that he is transferred into future to implement that voice in the Legend's ship from 2056. I cannot think of any other story, but there might be some other things that they can tie with this excuse of a vessel.

I also cannot understand the reason for the storyline of reviving Eddie Thawne. I hope they get a chance to grow it properly, but I don't think they can.

Finally, the entire story of Khione is stupid. They wanted to give the character a more important role, but ended up over-doing it. Now she can basically do whatever she wants. Maybe she wants to be the Flash, eh? It is stupid.
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