The Crown: The Hereditary Principle (2020)
Season 4, Episode 7
15 May 2023
Seasons 1 and 2 were quite excellent on the whole, with even the weakest episodes still being good. Season 3 started off rather slow and finished underwhelmingly, but it did have high points with "Aberfan" for example being one of the best episodes of 'The Crown' in my view. Hearing that "The Hereditary Principle" was a Margaret-centric episode left me feeling mixed, loved her development in Season 2 but Helena Bonham Carter in general when she replaced Vanessa Kirby didn't do much for me.

"The Hereditary Principle" was a big turning point for Margaret character writing-wise on 'The Crown' and made me feel for me for the first time since Season 2. Bonham Carter's interpretation for Margaret improved massively in this episode as well. "The Hereditary Principle" is another great episode and one of the better episodes of a much better than expected Season 4, having seen a lot of criticism for the season and some elements such as Gillian Anderson's Thatcher.

It is true that there is a lot of artistic licence, anybody that has any prior knowledge of the event will find that Margaret's discovery does veer on implausible when taking into account what really happened. But it is also true that like all of 'The Crown' the episode should be judged on its own merits and as a standalone rather than as a piece of history.

As said, Bonham Carter is outstanding here and gives by far her best performance of the show. While Emma Corrin and Josh O'Connor were the best and most consistent actors this season, one of the best performances of the season goes to the truly poignant one of Bonham Carter in "The Hereditary Principle", some of her best moments being the smaller ones. All the acting is great, but this is Bonham Carter's show all the way, and the episode does so well at making Margaret the most interesting and rootable she has been since Season 2 with illuminating character development that made me really feel for her.

Furthermore, as ever the production values are superb. The production and costume design are both classy and sumptuous, but it's the photography that stands out in this regard. The music is not overbearing or low key. The scripting is thought provoking and intriguing, uncompromising yet sensitive in its handling of this subject without descending into melodrama.

Also doing well in showing more than one point of view and in a way where all are understandable. The storytelling continues to advance and while deliberate it is also very absorbing and emotional. The second half did break my heart emotionally.

Really great episode overall. 9/10.
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