Doppelhaushälfte (2022– )
Good cast with basic plot
14 May 2023
The plot is about two small families living next door of each other in a two party home. Of the 6 mains casts 4 different ethnicities are being represented and a key portion in season 1 displays the small mismatches which can occur in the everyday life.

The cast is enjoyable. Most are charismatic and authentic.

The most part of the plot is neat, but unfortunately very streamlined to today's Zeitgeist. The show tries to be edgy at certain times, but is just in line with modern narratives. This is unfortunate, since sections of the show which focuses on the local get together are its key strength, it is rather weak when having a plot with topics of national/international scale.

Could be a promising show when the writers try to take themselves less seriously and let the actors just be weird neighbours to each other.
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