A "slap" in the face
13 May 2023
Jada Smith yet again is going full throttle with the non-sense. Wrong accents, wrong names, everything about this "documentary" is false.

If you are so supportive of Africans, why did you not go and hire true Africans for the roles instead of British actors with a dark skin tone? Because it's the dark skin tone you're after, not the truth.

You could have hired real African men and women, gave them an opportunity, and the show would have had, maybe, a chance. But I guess we're all here following what "her grandma told her"

The name of the show tells you everything about what's going on in Jada's isolated head... African - Queens. That's all she's trying to prove, one way or another, and she's failing. Miserably.

Way to go dumping your money down the drain... again.

Way to go showing your, and your grandma's ignorance to the world.

This time, Will can't stop keeping your name and your failures apart.
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