Poor screenplay
13 May 2023
I watched the movie after seeing positive reviews.

Sadly disappointed. As a Keralite it was pushing the limits of my intelligence and sense to watch the pathetic screenplay. Nursing students molested in a Mall in full public view, in Kerala?? No one reacts, not even mobile phone and online media warriors? Come on.

Nursing students seen taking pills given to them just as if it was the most normal thing to do. Even kids would be wary. Whoever wrote the screenplay needs to get a reality check.

A mother whose daughter is missing for long, gets a surprise call from her later from Afghanistan, and she has for her mushy dialogues, like how does it feel to be a mother.

I saw the Hindi version, for some inexplicable reason all actors speak Hindi with a Malayalam accent and Malyalam with a Hindi accent. You can't be both.

At the end, they say they have filed an RTI to verify their own claims of numbers. It's your own claim! You have to provide proof.

Some good cinematography. Other than that, the movie was a torture to watch.
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