Dead Shot (2023)
A worthy entry
13 May 2023
As a fan of British gangster films I was very pleased at just how well Dead Shot fits right in with some of the biggies of the genre and, in particular, my all time favorite, The Long Good Friday. In fact there's a case to be made that Dead Shot is the latter's direct descendant if not a deliberate homage.

In this case we're with the IRA at the height of the troubles and a mistaken killing starts a spiral of violence that overwhelms everybody involved, with everyone getting more than they wanted or bargained for. Directors Guard catch the spirit of the time with an authentic feeling and visual representation of those difficult years and even more fittingly a retro-synth soundtrack perfectly channels Long Good Friday's utterly weird and wonderful music.

It's great when you're surprised by a film and I'm pleased to say that Dead Shot surprised me. Pacing is top notch and it doesn't stick around just for the sake of it, just all in all a quality entry in the British gangster genre and a must see if you like that sort of thing. There will be blood though, so be aware of that.
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