Welcome guest star Hank Azaria as Danny Stevens
12 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Things are awkward between Midge's talk-show host boss, Gordon Ford (Reid Scott), and her since she declined his sexual advances, and he declined to make an exception for her to his hard & fast "no writers as talk-show guests" rule. After giving a sitcom celebrity (played to a tee by the always wonderful Hank Azaria) a sage, if obvious (to an audience of comedic know-it-alls) piece of advice, Azaria as Danny offers her a job on a new, female-led sitcom he's developing; which Gordon jealously counters by raising her salary to equal those of the male writers on his show ("threatening our whole civilization!"). And Gordon's new, young producer gets Midge a slot in a tryout for Jack Paar's legendary talk show, which despite killing with the bar crowd present, ultimately is not successful for her. Then we see something we've rarely if ever seen in 5 seasons of this great series: Mrs. Maisel cries profusely & throws things in frustration. It's a great episode (including subplots with her manager, ex-in-laws and parents) which I've described in such detail to encourage more folks to get addicted to it, and to binge to catch up before the upcoming series grand finale. I rate it 9/10 stars (and note that I've rarely ever bestowed a perfect score).
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