Now we're talking, this is where the reboots become their own thing.
11 May 2023
So opposed to my review of the first film, this is written after watching the entire rebuild series. As I suspected, this (and the first entry) are improved retroactively by the final film, which I absolutely adored.

Here, we're treated to a scene that's brand new. Where the first film followed the series with about 80% accuracy, from the get-go here we're treated to a major change, and a greater split starting around halfway through. This is where the rebuilds begin to lift the curtain, and slowly unravel where the series is going. I really liked it.

The animation here is gorgeous. 3D for the machinery and logistical aspects of the city allow them to show a lot more than the original series. And the 2D elements on top blend in very well. It's not the 90s anymore, the merging of styles looks great.

However the new character that's introduced is rather shallow. She's interesting retroactively, but she still marred my first viewing experience. I didn't really understand why she was taking over character actions from the original series-actions that could be done by the actual original characters within this very film. But it was really the only slight on the story (excluding the convoluted nature that's just an Evangelion trademark at this point).

Overall, this film justifies the rebuilds existence much more than the first one. It's what I've come to expect when an original creator revisits an earlier work. I want to see their adaptation of what they want to show after having grown, and maturing.

There's a similar instance with the Final Fantasy VII remake. If it's the original writer/s, let them shake things up. It's much more interesting.
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