Battlefield: Airwar Over Germany (2000)
Season 4, Episode 2
Ridiculously long-winded
11 May 2023
The Allied bombing campaign of Germany in World War 2. We see the key commanders involved, main weapons, key units, strategy and tactics, the development and history of key factors (e.g. Aircraft) to that point and the history of the campaign.

Absurdly long-winded. This episode really only had about 30 minutes (max) of material on the Allied bombing campaign yet I guess the producers felt the general running time of each episode is 90 minutes so they had better fill it. Each aspect of the campaign has its history traced back to WW1, every commander gets a several-minute bio (and there's heaps of commanders), tangential history is discussed. So much filler.

It also doesn't help that I already have a very good knowledge of the subject, making the padding even more unnecessary and boring. Even for less knowledgeable people this format is not great as you keep wondering when they are going to get to the relevant stuff.
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