Sam - A Saxon (2023)
Sorry to say, but I am disappointed
10 May 2023
I'm sorry to say that the new series on Disney+ about the story of Sam Mefire is a major disappointment. Despite the important subject matter, the show fails on so many levels, from the cast to the dialogue, the acting, and the overall dramaturgy.

First and foremost, the cast is completely miscast, with actors who don't look or feel like they belong in 90s Germany. This lack of authenticity is compounded by weak acting, with performances that feel forced and wooden, failing to convey the emotional depth required for such a serious subject.

The dialogue is equally problematic, with stilted exchanges that lack any real depth or nuance. The characters seem to be going through the motions, with no real connection to the issues at hand. The show's attempts at tackling complex themes are clumsy and heavy-handed, with none of the subtlety or nuance that the subject matter demands.

The overall dramaturgy is also a mess, with jarring transitions, inconsistent pacing, and confusing character motivations. It's difficult to get invested in the story when the show can't seem to decide what it wants to be.

All in all, the new series about Sam Mefire, his life and racism in 90s Germany is a lackluster effort that fails to do justice to the important issues it attempts to address. I would not recommend this show to anyone looking for a nuanced and well-crafted exploration of this important topic.
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