Fairly enjoyable
9 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This isn't a perfect movie, but I did enjoy it. The actors did a good job and were likable. The relationship between them seemed fairly genuine and real. The "Big star meets ordinary person" trope has been worked to death, but this movie did it better than most. At least it made you believe that this star, adored by millions, is really just a normal guy with a normal family and normal friends. And it somehow made you believe that this girl wasn't really awed by his star status, and just liked him because he was a nice person. You need to suspend a little disbelief, but you do when you watch Cinderella, too. Somehow, we're still fascinated by the idea that a regular person could connect with a famous, rich or powerful person, even if it rarely happens in real life.

I did take exception with a couple of things. The whole idea that Cara couldn't possibly bring her company into the 21'st century and submit to automation was just stupid. In the real world, a company that doesn't modernize gets put out of business by its competitors that do, and that puts all of their employees out of work, not just those replaced by machines. And I really didn't see how her new product line of candy bars was supposed to stave off the inevitable advance of modernization. Even with a new product line, they are still dealing with the same old inefficiencies.

I also didn't like Cara's faux outrage when Heath/Lee makes a generous offer to provide funding for her new candy bar line. Every rom-com seems to require a bump in the road of the relationship (later to be smoothed over as if nothing happened), but this particular bump seemed overly contrived. She should know that he's a stand-up guy and that there was no reason to take offense at his offer, let alone to tell him to go away. But I guess the rom-com gods required it.

Otherwise, I liked the relationship between Cara and Heath/Lee, as well as the relationships with their respective families and friends. Overall, an enjoyable movie to watch.
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