Wit, humor, action and soul evenly blended
9 May 2023
In fact, not just evenly blended but almost perfectly blended in this sealing episode of the Guardians trilogy. (Who knows, there might be a few more installments waiting to be made).

I won't say much about the humor, apart from mentioning the fact that many of the jokes are purely visual gags that might pass overhead of many viewers (like a brilliant reference to Michelangelo's Creation of Adam in which Adam Warlock plays god). There're also many throwbacks to the 60s and 70s (and even 80s) that add to the overall joyful effect.

I'll say even less about the action, it's often over the top, but it works. The real point I wish to make refers to the soul or heart this movie has aplenty, which for me is the main reason it's standing out among many other action/superhero movies. - Most of them have great character writing for the leads combined with lazy character writing for most of the other figures appearing on screen. James Gunn doesn't allow a single character appearing on screen to be an incomplete creation. They all get the full treatment, even the cameos. See Daniela Melchior as Ura or Linda Cardellini who does wonders in the role of Lylla. These wonderfully written roles allow each and every member of the cast to give a stellar performance, with the "second tier" characters like Mentis, Drax and Nebula practically stealing the show. James Gunn has already showed his knack for great character writing in his installment of Suicide Squad, but he's even better this time. For me, this is where the difference lies. This is what's making this movie something worth your time even if you're not an ardent fun.
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