A review of a movie about a reviewer
8 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
From 1968-1991, Pauline Kael reviewed movies for the New Yorker and made film criticism into an art form. As a result of her writing, people began to think more about the movies they saw, transforming entertainment into something that could become even more. She had her enemies and her fans, even today. Like Quentin Tarantino, who said, "Kael was so on the nose at times that she could sometimes change your mind about a film you may have thought was pretty good."

Directed and written by Rob Garver, this takes the life and reviews of Kael and turns it into a movie worth watching. It's told mainly in her own words -- spoken by Sarah Jessica Parker -- which are taken from interviews, private letters and published writing.

Kael had one standard. Movies shouldn't bore her. I'd like to think that she'd enjoy the movie that came out of her life. It seems incredibly meta for me to attempt to review this, but it made me think of the way that I look at films.
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