A Royal in Paradise (2023 TV Movie)
A rather nice and well-acted romantic story.
8 May 2023
This is not a Hallmark movie but it closely follows the typical Hallmark story arc. Two single people meet and are attracted to each other, something comes between them, later they overcome it and during the last minute they have their first kiss.

Cute and authentic Rhiannon Fish (about 30) plays romance novelist Olivia. Based in Manhattan, she is riding the wave of popularity of her latest book but seems stuck, full-on writer's block. She buys tickets for her and her fiance' to travel to a tropical island but at the same time he has started to break up with her. So her good friends convinces her the two of them should go together instead, Olivia can use the trip as an inspiration for her writing.

At the same time Alexander, a prince from a small (fictitious) country, is reading her novel. They meet accidentally, then later they both end up at the same tropical island, she on vacation and he on a charity trip to help raise money for conservation. They meet again, they hit it off, but Alexander's mother, the Queen, has other plans and tries to sabotage the relationship.

The movie plays better than a brief description can explain, it is interesting and entertaining all the way through. A good effort for this type of movie, a fluff piece with beautiful people and great scenery.

My wife and I watched it on FreeVee, streaming on Prime.
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